Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Love you J.K.Rowling

Guys, I know many people would know this. Guess what day is today?( I know its Tuesday,hehe)

 It is 31st JULY!!!!! Today is most special day in this world. From the picture u people will realize it is about J.K.Rowling...

Guys, today is the day, the person who created the wizardy world, the person who thought of Harry Potter, the person who taught how wild imagination can be and Importantly, the person who gave us the world's best magical book ever was born.

Yes guys, today is the Birthday of J.K.Rowling! The amazing writer ever. 

Things taught by the characters in HP

Don't forget them. Especially J.K.Rowling. My next post is about her 

Fred and George joke

Fred Weasley: You know, George, I've always felt out futures lay outside the world of academic achievement.George Weasley: Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing. 

My own experience: During one subject in school, I really wish an owl would come with a letter from Hogwarts and I would just leave my studies there.I am still hoping

Monday, 30 July 2012

Hi guys! I will be posting the Medal counts for today! 

See if your country is ther. Congragulations to China who is leading for the past 2-3 days

Credits: Olympic site

Medal count

1 64212
2 35311
3 2327
4 2125
5 2114
6 2013
7 2002
8 1113
8 1113
8 1113
11 1102
12 1034
13 1001
13 1001
15 0235
16 0112
17 0101
17 0101
17 0101
17 0101
17 0101
22 0011
22 0011
22 0011
22 0011
22 0011
22 0011
22 0011
22 0011
22 0011